<![CDATA[Victorious-Spirit - Vickie\'s Blog]]>Tue, 17 Sep 2024 19:46:57 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[I Surrender, Lord]]>Mon, 01 Jun 2020 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/july-04th-2020Picture
So I’m back from a long sabbatical from the different areas in life and in ministry. In some areas, God asked me to lay them down to focus on a smaller arena of doing, giving, and serving. Although, I really did miss writing and connecting with you all during this time of renewal and refreshing. I have felt at Peace.

​One of the common themes that was prevalent through this season was Surrender. Not an easy word mind you!  One that makes you squirm and say “what!, I thought we had that all worked out!
As we go thought our spiritual lives God ask us to go deeper with him. Such as with the example we find in Ezk 47: going deeper in the river.  Surrender can look very different to each person’s life’s journey. We surrender at Salvation, we surrender from self-sufficiency, and we surrender our wants, our ideas and plans. Surrendering to the one who is the Lover of our Soul, the one that desires nothing but good for us.

Jer. 29:11 says He know the plans He has for us, Plans for a hope and future.

The word Surrender means; giving up, giving in, lying face down in his presence, stopping and breathing, letting him take the lead in a whole new way.
Surrendering is listening to the heart of the one who loves us and desires the best for us

I love that picture that has made its way around social media – a little girl holding a precious small teddy bear – Jesus is asking her to surrender it and trust Him– but what she cannot see is the bigger better version of her precious bear that He has for her. Surrender is a hard step at times, all though once it’s done it is sweet peace

When it is a daily Surrender in every area of life and it can become less stressful.

Sometimes we get busy doing Life, trying to obtain the dream of successfulness, following the direction the Lord gave us, working in the Kingdom on auto pilot of doing for others. If it is not a daily surrender, we may miss the new direction. We may carrying more than He intended?

We may be on the path he destined us months ago, years ago – but do we surrender daily – to hear the small re-directions of “turn a little to the right”        

One of my biggest bad habits; is being too task oriented and not enough relational oriented, even though my heart is for people. Doing for God and people make me feel good, it is fulfilling a calling on my life, but am I doing His will that day?

I guess that is one of my love languages, much like Martha staying busy, doing, and organizing.  Thankfully, I do have my Mary side. I do recognize I need to be more spontaneous when it comes between a Mary and a Martha – the dishes can wait… change from the norm is ok.
I need to surrender all he has asked of me. In that very moment or in the long scheme of things. I need to know it is his will to continue or not.
This surrender is a change of season in our lives, it can come quickly and un-expectantly or it can come softly and expectantly. It is a time that God has something for you to learn.

It’s a time that often comes with a faith walk that leaves you with that inner peace, a peace that you cannot explain to another human being let alone yourself.  To explain in details is difficult because it is an inner knowing of something that is just between you in the Lord that surpasses words, a look, a smile, a nod all would confirm the understanding between you.
Although my Journey of doing his will has not always the same and has changed some over the years. We need to remember. Jesus had a mission His journey was consistent yet it changed from day to day – places, people, action’s. And ultimately surrendering his life for ours. 
Our Lord is the same yesterday today and forever.

Spend time with Him Daily, Listen to Him Daily, follow through with His directions Daily


<![CDATA[#5 Unexpected Resurrection]]>Mon, 24 Jun 2019 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/5-unexpected-resurrectionPicture

Change can be painful and it can be a good thing; and sometimes both. But either way we have the assurance God is in the middle of it all, seeing all, and is usually several steps ahead of us. He knows all of this before we did, it was no surprise. Trusting Him for the out come is the best solution. Only Mary understood a part of this plan of Salvation.    
​                                                                 #5 Unexpected Resurrection
                                                      *What appears dead is often resurrected

The Resurrection at the tomb was an unexpected blessing. Yes, he told them of His resurrection like His death. They didn’t fully understand what was being said, it wasn't that they were missing anything in their happy meal, but this was a complete new concept they were grappling with.
Thankfully, we are able to look back and see Jesus’s words, His intent, and understand the Fathers Glorious Plan, If life were that easy on everything!
They just lost their friend, teacher and Lord!  What now?
John 20:15  He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”  Mary, receiving revelation, understood that Jesus was alive, He was no longer dead… death was defeated.  Mary Evangelized the Truth to the disciples “He Is Alive!”

When the disciple began Reflecting on the words of Jesus, their light bulbs came on- one after another.  They begin to preach the gospel as Jesus did Changing lives and Relationships for eternity.
3 things that the resurrection changed:
Our past His resurrection from the grave, defeated sin and death.  We are the Children of God, We are free from condemnation. We can move forward without dragging the past along.       We Have Grace.

Our present This new life is different from the life we used to live. We are a new creation, we live with His love and guidance. We have the hope and assurance of what is yet to come.                                         
Our future Only Jesus lived a life that was worthy of this eternal life in heaven. We, the Children of God, get to share in Jesus' victory and share in His inheritance.
Perhaps a dream you had or a prayer for a loved one appears to have died. But, in reality it has been weighted down with something.
Think of that weight as a stone has been wrapped around this dream. The Stone represents the doubt, fear, I’m not enough, disappointment, betrayal, grief, shame, rejection….and on. The Enemy wants to keep that stone attached. 

You Are Who God Says You Are, and Not what the enemy says. Don’t let that stone destroy your Hope and Future; Consider a prayer of resurrection; relinquishing that stone and accepting Your True place as a beloved Child of God.

Psalms 121: says My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He is the one that takes the Impossible to the possible – For Nothing is Impossible with Him.   He cares about every detail of your life. He is the one that has given us life and purpose – We must realize His Will and be obedient following Christ’s example. 

Galatians 2:20 (NIV)
 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

What a Beautiful Unexpected Resurrection of Grace and Relationship from an unexpected ending for Jesus here on Earth.    Thankful for GRACE

​ Information taken from Christine's Unexpected Video series and my Personal Notes.
​Below is her book on the topic.

<![CDATA[#4 Change of Plans]]>Mon, 13 May 2019 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/4-change-of-plansPicture
​ I could never quit understood what my grandmother was talking about at the time but, now her words ring in my ears. "Time goes faster the older you get". While I still think I'm in my 20's my life suggest otherwise. Life experiences, Children, laugh lines and more.  Cherish your life, every moment and yes, even the difficult times as they build us strong like a cedar with deep roots. 
4 Unexpected Endings
        *Can bring new beginnings
The death of Jesus was very much unexpected to many – even those close to Him. They didn’t fully grip the idea that his time had come to fulfill the law of grace. 
I can identify with their grief, loosing someone they loved. As those of us who have lost a loved one, we know life goes on as we begin learning to live without them, carrying their influence within us.
It doesn’t seem like a new beginning, but it is.  Just as a move to a new town, a natural disaster, a shift in relationships, or a repentance of the heart; all leads to new beginnings in life.
Through His death we have been given a new beginning, the Victory to live in Freedom from condemnation, a second chance. We have the assurance, the Hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus
“We know that He came to fulfill the law not to abolish it “(Matt 5:17)
John 17:4 Jesus said; I have brought you (the father) glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.
While the work of grace is finished on the cross, He continues His work through us. To reach out to others and be His hands and feet here on earth.
He will come back for us, and complete His Promise of eternal Life, that will be a new beginning for all of us.
Meanwhile here on earth we will have Unexpected ending that will change our path in life and often our mindsets. We need to be aware and available to those changes. As with the death of Christ, the Father had a plan and a purpose with eternal rewards.
Jesus’s unexpected endings gave us all a new beginning in Grace. 

Think on your Unexpected ending that Changed your life. Are you seeing the new Beginning’s?
​ Information taken from Christine's Unexpected Video series and my Personal Notes.
​Below is her book on the topic. 

<![CDATA[#3 Change of plans]]>Tue, 09 Apr 2019 01:53:03 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/3-change-of-plansPicture
In like a lion- out like a lamb, as the old saying goes. That was our March here. The wind, like the month just blew past.. So thankful for the beautiful skies, the squirrels playing, and the many different spices of birds singing in our trees. God's Beauty at work.

#3 Unexpected Assignment’s
        *Step into our unexpected assignments, into our purpose

Do we have room in our lives for God to interrupt our life to fulfill His purpose through us?

Many times we want a visitation from God but, not an interruption, something that changes our plans to the unknown.  Those Interruptions comes with an invitation … God is Inviting us to His purpose. 

I'm sure you've had those experiences whether simply or drastically. Change is not always an easy breeze. It can take all that you have in you and even more of God in you to make it through, but it is always a blessing in the hindsight of things. 
Mary was given unexpected assignment
Luke 1:26 -45 The Birth of Jesus Foretold//Mary Visits Elizabeth
1.   God chose to interrupt Mary’s Life to fulfil His Purpose
       a. "Do not be afraid, you are highly favored (she was chosen to fulfill a purpose)
2.   He gave Mary an invitation to an unexpected Assignment
       a.  "you will conceive and give birth to a son. and you will call him Jesus.
3.   Mary accepts: Luke 1:38 “according to thy word”
       a.    “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.
4.   The plan became evident of it’s fulfillment and purpose

John1:14 The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.  Not everything will be evident of its fulfillment and certainly not at the level of Mary's Purpose.  
To do what God has called you to do, you must break free of the paralyzing grip of fear so you can move forward in Faith, Trust that He has your back. We have to put more faith in the promises of God than in our “what If”.  Faith is not the bases of fear but the presence of a stronger God, as Nothing is impossible with God.
Jer. 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

The unpredictable; the uncomfortable; the unknown; the uncertain; the unexplainable;             and the unexpected rests with Him. 
There is No problems to hard -God can’t solve
No person to far –God can’t save
No mountain to big – God Cannot move
No disease to great – God cannot heal
No relationship that God cannot restore
No need to great for God to meet

We need to welcome the interruptions and unexpected assignments to be effective and fruitful, not just to live

John 15: 8 - this is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 

​ Information taken from Christine's Unexpected Video series and my Personal Notes.
​Below is her book on the topic. 

<![CDATA[#2  change of plans]]>Mon, 25 Feb 2019 06:14:52 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/2-change-of-plansPicture
Over the past few weeks, I've seen several funny memes about the groundhog and his not- so-accurate predictions, pretty humorous. A couple of my favorites are; the very fat cat that said he ate the groundhog, and the cats that are dressed up as Vikings on a mission to see the ground hog that lied.  :-D I hope you have also had the opportunity to see them. 
I am not a winter person so, I am staying positive with anticipation of looking forward to Spring and flip flops.

  #2 Unexpected People
              *See and reach out to unexpected people

People are hidden in plain sight that need the compassion of Jesus.

We must know Looking and seeing are not the same thing. If we look with the eyes of Jesus we can be His catalyst in their life. Knowing they're Valued and that they are loved by God- that Compassion is a game changer.

Just Looking at them = we are detached from them emotionally, Seeing them for who they are in Christ = we are attached with His Love 

​In Luke 7:36-50 as the woman was weeping on His feet, wiping her tears away with her hair, pouring perfume and kissing His feet. She was noticed, I'm sure, but she surely was not SEEN. 

Jesus saw her, even though she was behind Him. Jesus took the opportunity to pointed out to Peter, Not just her actions, but her heart.

Jesus asked: Simon do you see this woman?
it was not about whether he saw her personal being occupying space – it was Do you see her heart, her Value, her great love – she was pouring out her love in her love language.

Remember we are His ambassadors here on earth, to be Hands-on for Him, seeing people from the inside.

According to Matthew 5:13-16 We are to be the Salt and Light of the world- Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and Glorify Our Father in Heaven. 

There is still good in this world, people loving and Seeing others for who they are and the needs they may have. If God has placed these people in your path, step out and follow the Holy Spirits leading. Be their hands on Jesus. 

An Evidence we see Jesus… is that we see people as Jesus does

​ Information taken from Christine's unexpected Video series and my personal notes.
​Below is her book on the topic. 

<![CDATA[#1 change of plans]]>Sat, 09 Feb 2019 00:22:01 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/1-change-of-plansPicture
     February has arrived and Love is in the air in anticipation of Valentine’s Day, the Ground Hog forecasted we will have an early Spring and Yet the ice and snow increased. Why is it again that we pay homage to this little critter for our forecast? And Presidents Day, to celebrate all our Presidents. (does anyone really celebrate that outside of Federal and State offices?). 
 If you happen to google “National Today” you can find a National thing for each day, some are just odd while others are not, such as “National Dark Chocolate Day” now that, I can get on board with! 

Well nevertheless, my January just flew by!  We had several unexpected happenings going on, some were good and others not so much. My husband and I noticed God’s hand in each unexpected circumstances that came our way, God is Good!

A few months ago I watched a video series by Christine Cain called “Unexpected” It was a timely word, in helping with the application of His Word, as we traveled through the unexpected together.

In January I shared with some ladies my take-a-ways and insights from her teachings; so I will be sharing these with you in a series of five posts. I hope this will bless you as you face the unexpected in your life.
Everyday is filled with the unexpected, but Never to God.  He knew long before you did what was going to transpire as
He is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever!
#1 Unexpected Situations
              *Expect the unexpected from God

a. Sometimes it seems to be a negative situation:

Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) (with my embellishments)
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more (abundantly, Above & Beyond) all we ask, Imagine (Hope, Dream or pray for) according to his power that is at work within us.

This is my Life Verse… no matter the circumstances, good or bad, God is On it! 

When I faced Breast Cancer, God knew before I did. He was On it!  Leaving the outcome in His plans for my life - Which ultimately gave me a beautiful peace. 

b. Sometimes we have to be in the “waiting season” for something to come to pass.

Sometimes we have to wait before the unexpected passes, this is when we rely on the Holy Spirit to led and guide us along the way. He does Not forget us!

In The Message Translation Romans 8:28 says God knows our pregnant condition and keeps present before us!! Now that is Powerful!!!

c. Sometimes it’s a blessing

 Think about it: In Acts 3:1-10, the Lame beggar at the Gate Beautiful, He came expecting handouts, some money to make it through the day or even the week. But, what he got from God through Peter was quite unexpected and what a blessing it was. A miracle of healing! He began Walking, Jumping, and Praising God. Others that witnessed this miracle were also blessed un-expectantly. 

Every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit His perfect Plan to bring good into our lives. God came that we may have and enjoy life, in abundance. 

Do not let the thief come to kill, steal and destroy what God has planned for you. 

​ Information taken from Christine's Unexpected Video series and my personal notes.
​Below is her book on the topic. 

<![CDATA[greater plans]]>Fri, 14 Dec 2018 04:58:09 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/the-greater-planPicture
   It’s that time of season again; wrapping gifts, Celebrating His Birthday with family and friends. Along with ending a   year and starting with a new one. Making Plans and setting goals and organizing for what lies ahead.

   Do you wonder what will the New Year bring for you?

 Over the past serval years I have learned that plans, goals and organizing are good habits, a discipline if you will, not to be idle or distracted. On the other hand, not allowing for a flexibility in those habits can lead to stubborn habits of planning our plans and missing His plans.

Since we acknowledge we are created for His pleasure, His Plans, His purpose, and our life is not our own. Our Everlasting Father has a plan for each of us to fulfill. A plan that is a blessing to us, a blessing others, and a blessing to HIM.

The Birth of Christ was carefully planned out for a purpose. We now know that it was to save the world, to redeem us from this world we live in. The Time, Location, the People … all in His plan. They had the Stables to themselves on a peaceful night… all in His Plan. No fan fair just a peaceful humble entry on earth… all in His Plan. Visitors receiving revelation of the Miracle to whom was before them… all in His Plan. Speaking to joseph in the night to move to Egypt … all in His Plan..... 

The Lord has given us his instructions, His love letters; to speak to us, to understand Him, and His desire for us to have the best life possible.  The world and the things of it will always try to spoil and draw you away from God’s plan for your life. That is where connecting with Him is of the utmost importance – Reading His Word, Speaking to Him, Listening for His voice, to be Obedient to do His Will.

It sounds so simple yet, our humanness fights against it. At one time or another Every Christian has struggled with this.   Psalms 33:15 NIV “He who formed the Hearts of all, who considers everything they do.” He is saying that He knows our hearts - He understands our motives – and He is encouraging us to take the needed steps forward to be more excellent than the day before.

As you ponder Our Beautiful Savior in your heart this Christmas Season. Thinking of the good Plans He has for your life....it’s all in His Plan for something greater.

Make plans to connect with Our Lord daily, Set goals for reading and devotions, Organizing your thoughts and His spoken words to you in a journal, and be flexible to God’s will.

So, with a change of perspective, I ask again; What will the New Year Bring for You?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


<![CDATA[I am]]>Mon, 05 Nov 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/i-amPicture
I am God's child.    John 1:12
I am Christ's friend.    John 15:15
I have been justified.    Rom 5:1
​ I am united with the Lord, and I am one Spirit with Him .    1 Corn. 6:17
I have been bought with a price. I belong to God.    1 Corn. 6:19-20
I am a member of Christ's body.    1 Corn 12:27
I am a Saint.    Eph. 1:1
I have been adopted as God's child.    Eph.1:5
I have a direct access to God through the Holy Spirit.    Eph.2:18
I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.    Col. 1:14
I am complete in Christ.    Col. 2:10

I am free forever from condemnation.    Rom 8:12
I am assured that all things work together for good.    Rom. 8:28
I am free from any condemning charges against me.    Rom 8:31
I cannot be separated from the Love of God.    Rom. 8:35
I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.    2 Corn. 1:21-22
I am hidden with Christ in God.    Col. 3;3
I am confident that the good work that God has begun in me will be perfected.     Phil. 1:6
I am a citizen of heaven.    Phil 3:20
I have not been given a spirit of fear but of Power, love and a sound mind.    2 Tim 1:7
I can find grace and mercy in time of need.    Heb. 4:16
I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.    1 John 5:18  

I am the salt and light of the earth.    Matt. 5;13-14
I am a branch of the true vine, a channel of His life.    John 15:1,5
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.    John 15:16
 I am a personal witness of Christ's.    Acts 1:8
I am God's temple.    1 Corn. 3:16
I am a minister of reconciliation for God.    2 Corn. 5:17
I am a God's co-worker (1 Corn. 3:9).    2 Corn. 6:1
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realm.    Eph. 2:6
I am God's workmanship.    Eph. 2:10
I may approach God with freedom and confidence.    Eph3:12
I  can do all things through Christ who strengths me.    Phil. 4:13

Taken from the book Victory over Darkness by Neal T. Anderson

<![CDATA[6 things to do with rejection]]>Mon, 22 Oct 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/6-things-to-do-with-rejectionPicture

Let’s Get Real – No matter how much we would like it, life is not full of rainbows, unicorns, and fluffy clouds.  Life happens.  Rejection happens. 

Whether it’s within a
group, a job application, or for your faith – it happens.
What is most important is that you do not focus on these things – turn these things into God’s plan for your life along with acting out who he is.

In the real world, we buy auto Insurance with the full expectations that we will get in our car and safely make it from point A to point B.  The Insurance is there to back us up if that moment happens. There is a plan in place to deal with the problem. The same is true for our Life

We’ve all have messed up – our spoken word or actions - perhaps unintentionally ignored someone, judged someone or our spoken word did not reflect our intent.

                      When others mess up, how do you want Jesus to be reflected in you?
                      What is your plan when rejection happens, when hurt happens?
                      What is your response, what scripture are you going to speak?
                      What Christ-like action/attitude are you going to imitate?
Here a something you can do -

1. First thing to know is; the enemy loves for us to be hurt or offended so he can pile on more miserable feelings and have us behave badly toward others. Some of them are his vain imaginations trying to tear us down. See 2 Corinthians 10:5

2. Regardless of the situation... speak positively

3. Write out a plan of action
          * These are the scriptures I will speak
           * These are the ways to emulate Christ

4. Make a list of scriptures that inspire you, that builds your confidence
          * The book of Psalms 
          * God’s Promises
          * I Am Statements… Dr. Neil Anderson – Freedom in Christ (Victory over Darkness) 
          * Sing the songs that build you up

5.  Memorize and meditate on those scriptures/ words daily

6. Practice your actions that imitate Christ – rehearse them like an actor at every opportunity. Don't worry, it will become real and a part of who you are, like second nature.  
           * In front of the mirror
           * With your children /spouse
​ Prayer from Daily Wisdom;         
I am so blessed, Lord, to be guided, loved, and empowered by you, your son, and your Spirit.   I resolve to love and be strong in your way.

<![CDATA[how to be attractive, productive, and profitable]]>Mon, 17 Sep 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/how-to-be-attractive-productive-and-profitablePicture

​God brings us inspiration in unique ways. This message was birthed in one of those unique times. So here in part, the message He gave to share this past Sunday on the book of Titus. 

Titus 3:8 This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good.
These things are
excellent and profitable for everyone (NIV)

Paul goes to an extent in the book of Titus, to impress the message of ” Doing what is Good,"  stating that the actions of Christians, in every area of life,  must be Attractive, Productive, and Profitable to the message of the Gospel.

Every one of us is being called to be all that for the Kingdom of God…Reflecting a heart that is serving a Savior, not a religion

Thinking on these things; How can we...right where we are in this life...be profitable...in the Kingdom of God?

*Live like we embrace the Mercy and Grace that which was given to us: Fully remember where we came from and Who the Lover of all our souls is.

*The strength in which we do these things, it is not by our works, it is by the Holy Spirit. We were given the Spirit of regeneration to transform into the likeness of Christ.

*Our actions, our words, and our life can make a difference in how others see God. Treat others with respect, be humble, and be gentle in our words and actions which reflects His love;
love prefers others.

Wouldn't it be nice to see a news story that reads; “A Pastor gave a 45% tip as a Blessing," instead of seeing the opposite.

 Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good–3:14

*Teach others and ourselves;
Demonstrate - Leaders and Elders are living examples to follow as they emulate the
character of Christ; Christ is our ultimate example.

Discipleship - Teaching the truth of the Word and the footsteps of the Master,
application of the Word, and remaining teachable.

Dispatch – After duplicating, disciples need to go out into the world, near and far to
reproduce; the domino effect.
So that in every way they will make the teaching
about God our Savior attractive.(2:10)

*Encourage and build up each other with words and actions of positive reinforcement.  
Not just for the Christian family, but to all we come in contact with.

*It is good to have an honest discussion, as that can lead to wisdom, even if all parties agree to disagree. On the other hand, petty quarreling is divisive and unproductive for everyone including the Kingdom of God.

These positive attitudes and team efforts will bring a profit to the Kingdom of God with increased believers and the preservation of current believers.

Everyone needs to experience the love of God, 
You may be their starting point or even their ending point.

Vs 3:8 …..These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.


<![CDATA[intentionally succeeding with people]]>Mon, 20 Aug 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/intentionally-succeeding-with-peoplePicture

hen thinking about the body of Christ, the most prominent word that comes to mind are...
spoken words, whether in prayer or to another person. God designed the body of Christ like the three musketeers, “all for one and one for all.”
Our words spoken to or about our Brothers and Sisters in Christ should be words that build up.  Paul, Barnabus & the churches throughout the Epistles are good examples for speaking the truth in love for the benefit of encouragement.

They encouraged one another in person or by letters and their exchanges strengthened their faith, giving them that extra fuel (Motivation) to keep moving forward.

We can use our words to encourage or discourage. Remember the toothpaste theory? – once we have squeezed out the toothpaste we cannot put it back in the tube in the same manner as before. Once it is out – it’s out!

Worldly-minded people point out the flaws of others.  Godly minded people may see the truth, but focus on the potential, and the good in others.
So let us fix our eyes on Jesus, Speaking Words to Build up and Empower the People Around Us
- Bring out the Best in them - 
​“Expressing belief in people’s potential encourages them to reach their potential. Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.
 –Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
 If our attitude is the same as Christ -then our Faith will be expressed through His Love.
Therefore, this is my prayer for you today.    Ephesians3:14 -19
For this reason, I kneel before my Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives His name, I Pray that out of His glorious riches He may strength you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

And I pray that you, my Brother and Sisters, being rooted and established in God’s love may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

1 Thess. 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up”


Eye's/ Allie R, Miss Lyon County, KS 2015

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<![CDATA[roots: Genesis 1-2]]>Mon, 16 Jul 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/roots-genesis-1-2Picture

In order to live a victorious life, we need not only know where we come from but root ourselves into what our foundation is made of. Actually, knowing something and rooting ourselves into something, is different. A tree can stand solidly when the roots are gripped deeply, but if the roots are more on the surface - then it is easily toppled in a storm; Our roots are set in God.

The character of God shines through in the beginning; from our Creator and Provider to our Father and Friend. He is not a silent God, he desires communication and interaction. A true love relationship with us.

I don’t buy into the theory of the Cavemen grunting to communicate. The word says that when Adam & Eve were created - they were adults, not babies - they talked and walked with God - Adam named all the Animals. They had the ability to reason and accomplish tasks as Adam was given charge of tending the garden.

You are Created by God- in his image- for His purpose - it is not by chance you are here. God created ALL with aforethought, a plan- an order to things. He knew you before you were born
God gave them what they needed. God Will give You what You need to accomplish His will.  Trust in His Provision, for you are the apple of His eye.

<![CDATA[I named him oscar]]>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/june-18th-2018Picture
Have you found yourself gazing upon nature with a new revelation? Seeing our Amazing God in the very thing that has captivated your attention

Recently, I have found myself doing that very same thing, becoming intrigued by the behavior of animals. Each species is unique in its own, but pretty much the same when it comes to taking care of their family, they provide a home and food, they cuddle, play , and protect the little ones, not that much different than us. I don't think that's an accident, it's a divine construction

I had been watching the Florida eagles from Christmas time till its final fledge in May. Watching this little one hatch and grow makes me feel apart of its life as well as a part of mine, something I will defiantly cherish. They call the little eagle E9, (the gender at this time is unknown) – However, I've personally named him Oscar, you get attached, and you name them. Like the ladies from the movie "Mom's Night Out," I was hooked on the raising of this little eagle.

Mom (Harriett) and dad (M15) exemplified their parenting skills daily. From bringing food, getting a bone out of little Oscars mouth, engaging predators, and simple learning skills. One day as I was watching I noticed Harriett would sit with the hot sun to her back so that her shadow would over cast Oscar as he slept. And I thought how God does the same for us.

Now, I am not likening God to a bird – but the eagle (His creation) took on His characteristics just as we do. God created us how can we not emulate His Character?

God says that He will not let what you are facing over take you, (Isaiah 43:2) God puts a shadow over us from the hot beating sun so the heat will not overtake us. Our Lord is always there
(Ps 46:1) He is Ever-present as we go through trials and I believe He shelters us from many things we are not even able to see or understand.

Sharing these scriptures that jumped out as  I began to look in the Word for strength.
Ps 57:1 Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.

Staying in His Word which builds your confidence in Him, is a sustaining Grace that gives you joy through the trials. If you are unable to pray (loss of words, pain etc..) Begin to read His Word out loud.

Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.
Praising God during the times of trials is another important key to make it through- to thrive and survive.

Ps 36:7 How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

We Don't have to ask - He welcomes us to take refuge in him. He provided His Son to show you how much He loves each and every one of us. Knowing and acting like you're Loved all has to do with our attitude – keep it positive.

One of my most favorite scriptures is Isaiah 40: 28-31
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Photos taken from Florida Eagle Cam   

<![CDATA[honoring the sacrifices']]>Mon, 21 May 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/may-21st-2018Picture
Memorial day is a day that is Celebrated in multiple ways across the country. Pool openings, picnic's at the lake, Family gatherings, BBQ's, Sports, or just a day off.  

Memorial Day weekend was never meant to undermine the meaning of the Day, It is not to say that a family cannot enjoy this time and make positive memories together, however, It is important that we take the time and honor the fallen.

Memorial Day is a time to remember the Men and Women that gave their life while serving you, me, and this country for generations to come. 

It is said that, in 1862 women of Savannah, GA were the first to place flags on the graves of the soldiers. It was not until 1868 that a proclamation was observed nationwide.

I am proud to say that I come from a long line of Veteran's; One of my Sons just got out of the Army after  nine years of service with two deployments in the middle east, My Husband served ten years in the Army with many deployments across the world, My father served in the Navy overseas and the Korean war, my Grandfather, Great-grandfather, cousins, uncles, all the way back to Chief Justice John Marshall and more, all Served this country with Honor.   

We who stay in our comfortable environment cannot grasp the full magnitude of all they did for US, only another solider truly understands that.  They are ALL Hero's to me!

A Hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself -Joseph Campbell

The Other Hero's to me are the Families that press on, when their loved one is deployed, living their lives with a part of them missing, close, not forgotten, and yet so far away. many come home to hug again... and many do not.  These families have also made sacrifices.

I have a childhood friend that grew up without a father, He was considered  MIA after his plane crashed, that was in 1965. Her mother was now raising three children alone, all under the age of five. Wow, What a challenge for this family to go on with their daily lives, not knowing for years the definitive outcome, since his body was never found.

As our government gave him a marker in Arlington, I could not imagine all the thoughts that went through this families mind when the marker was placed.

My heart breaks for these that have sacrificed so much - the Soldiers that daily face uncertainty with bravery and fortitude and the families that faced each day through the unpredictable or grief.

Today, along with our servicemen and women who died for this country, I also honor my friend's mother and all the other mothers and fathers who had to un-expectantly raised their families alone.

Hero's are not always a result of a moment of quick thinking and salvation- sometimes it's a family facing an empty chair at their table.

In the words of Lee Greenwood: I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free. and I won't forget the men (women) who died who gave that right to me, and I'll proudly stand next to them to defend her still today - cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA.


<![CDATA[boy, did they grow]]>Mon, 16 Apr 2018 06:00:00 GMThttp://victorious-spirit.org/vickies-blog/boy-did-they-growPicture

We’ve all been there… Moving boxes up to our ears and the stress that comes in all the little details.
As a Veteran’s wife, I’ve had my fair share of moving adventures. Gathering boxes, keeping on track, and organizing all while still living our everyday normal life.  Yet, moving when you're older just seems like it’s just….more everything.

As I was Cleaning out drawers of the file cabinet I went through all the items that I       saved from my boy’s school days – hand prints, artwork, grades, concert guides & play bulletins, handwritten letters; some just hilarious and the many handwritten “I love You”.

 I was planning on giving their items to each of them one day. However, in this digital age, a scrapbook of sorts seems a much better idea. I hope I can find the time for that! Oh my.

As a parent going through these items – looking back at all the accomplishments and improvements gives me a joy of knowing these MEN today. So very Proud of each one of them.  Going through stressful situations in the here and now, sometimes we forget just how far we’ve come and what we are able to do with God by our side leading us. 

              I can do all things through Christ that strengths me according to His will…….

In younger years, when my boys felt stressed or defeated because of a situation I would have them write out several Positive things about themselves and a few positive things what the outcome could look like. changing their focus from the negative to the possibilities that God has in store for them.

I think if we can stay focused on the end of the tunnel and where God directs us, it might just be a less stressful journey. And I know that God can take a difficult situation and use it for His Glory. Amen

I watched a documentary not long ago about a small town devastated by a tornado. Only one Dr near by and a Catholic nuns to help the many in need. The sisters made a deal with the one Dr.... Dr William Mayo. Did you recognize the name? Yes, that is how the well known Mayo Clinic in St Paul, Minn. was birthed,out of a difficult situation of great need.

When you are facing stressful situations, I would encourage you to write in a journal during this process. You will be able to look back and see what God has done, what you were able to accomplish, see growth and the blessings along the way. This process has always encouraged me – to look back and see how God worked things out according to His perfect will.

John 20:19-20 ...."Peace Be with you"
